Theodore Selekos

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Directed by
Theodore Selekos
Theodore Selekos
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Man and his tools

Directed by
Theodore Selekos
Man and his tools
Theodore Selekos
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Tryin / Slow

Directed by
Theodore Selekos
Tryin / Slow
Theodore Selekos

It all started when Theodore dropped out of university at the age of 21, traditional lines of work were essential to survive, to live, but he wanted more. Having a passion for filmmaking he enrolled in a ‘Digital Film-making’ course at the SAE Institute Athens. Alongside this, he embarked on personal projects which allowed him creative freedom, joining Athens-based collective (ATH KIDS) a group of artists from different backgrounds and ethnicities, sharing a common trait - they were all born in Athens. Through ATH KIDS, Theodore has directed various visuals from music videos to brand films, highlighting the city’s booming musical and artistic scene.

In recent months, Theodore has been focusing on specific projects that are aligned with a sense of community and telling stories that lend themselves to his native landscape.Theodore seeks to create visual narratives with meaning and emotion, not merely to impress, but to promote products or artists with honest and unique perspectives. He feels most inspired when learning about people and their experiences. There is a sense of nostalgia in Theodore’s work, a romanticism that highlights details in the human condition, adding a meaningful textural layer to the moving pictures that he shapes.

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Static and dynamic content editing

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